Blog update
Reading Time: 1 min / 295 words
Table of contents
Its almost been a year since my last post, so I would like to explain some of the issues that I have with the blog in its current state.
Currently, this site is under the Hugo architecture which allows for extremely fast build times. However, I have absolutely no idea what goes on behind the scenes due to my lack of knowledge of Go, in addition to the issues with the current theme.
Current issues:
- All URLs are absolute
- Site customisation is limited due to lackluster documentation
- The 404 page may completely lack styling on certain URLs
- Site updates require the theme to be updated, which creates a dependancy bottleneck
- Media organisation is simply bad
Finishing the move
As of this post, this is the only site to be built on an architecture other than NextJS. This makes integration between each different site much more difficult as I would need to cater to each site's build system. So, this site will be moving to NextJS to finish the switch to a framework which I am familiar with.
I am currently deliberating as to whether this blog should be moved back to the main-facing website under a /blog path or keep this subdomain. Integrating the blog back would make for a more seamless site, but would mean different types of content would require an entire site rebuild. The current solution is to have the same navigation system as the main website in order to mask the fact that a website change has taken place, in addition to sharing styling between the two sites.
While this migration is taking place, there will be very little activity on the blog. The main website will take priority as I find a style that would work for both site.