A New Year (2022)
Heading into 2022
Reading Time: 2 min / 315 words
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It's 2022!
Hey! It's been a while since I've posted an update (a "year" haha), so I'll quickly go through what's I've been up to.
Website Change
Yes, the website has changed to the new Papermod Hugo based theme which looks way better than the old Hermit one which was used before. Hermit was getting too old for my liking and is most likely abandoned by the original maintainer, which is why I moved to Papermod. In addition, I have also taken the time to update Hugo to 0.91.2 which should provide a plethora of fixes and enhancements to speed up browsing.
Learning Nuxt.js
I am beginning my first steps into learning Nuxt.js, an enhanced version of Vue that will allow me to create responsive, dynamic loading websites as well as move all my web projects to a Jamstack platform, which I believe in strongly.
Break from Minecraft Servers
Many of you know me for my "SMP Sundays" project which I have been running for a few years now. I recently announced that I would be taking time off and focusing on other interests which are worth my time. Stress is probably the worst feeling to have to go into 2022 as I enter Year 11; having the added pressure of more work being assigned at once. I have no current plans on when I will be returning but I will ensure that the website is maintained and continues to remain operational.
That is all from me, as I enter Year 11 next month, I will most likely post more often as I take up Software Design and Development as my primary elective, which should be an interesting experience. Hopefully, this year will turn out better than the last, with the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus currently ravaging through the population here in Australia (however I've heard people say this will just be 2020 too).